Smart Factor provides support for road management processes by providing valuable data from a mobile mapping system: GIS data, photos and 3D point clouds. Comprehensive support for tasks and procedures is possible through data integration with a dedicated SmartGEM system.
The use of modern technologies supports management processes, improves decision-making and reporting. The integration of data from various sources enables the performance of extensive analyzes, influencing the effectiveness of decision-making processes in the road lane, and constant monitoring of the road infrastructure.
The photographic documentation of the road is made using a proprietary mobile mapping system equipped with high-resolution cameras and a precise geolocation unit GNSS-RTK-IMU. .
Our offer includes two types of road photo recording:
When recording a road lane, photos are taken sequentially (up to 3 m) along the reference system and with precise geolocation provided by the high-quality GNSS-RTK-IMU geolocation system.
The photos are anonymized, ensuring compliance with the GDPR. Anonymization covers license plates and faces of people and does not cause loss of information value.
The photo recording data is provided with the SmartGEM software.
Using this tool on your system allows you to:
The basic management tool in the field of road infrastructure management is the register of public roads and bridges. Its possession, maintenance and ongoing updating is the responsibility of road administrators, defined in:
As part of the services related to the register, we make a detailed inventory of the road lane elements.
Positioning accuracy is achieved by using GNSS-RTK-IMU devices.
The collected data is processed and then made available in our system dedicated to road infrastructure management - SmartGEM.
As part of the records, a road lane database is created to which SmarGEM users have permanent access.
The system enables the generation of Road Books from the database (in line with the Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure of July 3, 2003 on a construction book) in the form of a pdf file, as well as the creation of summary statements and reports. It is also possible to make thematic maps using the collected registration data.
We prepare the road register in accordance with the applicable regulations (Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure of February 16, 2005 on the method of numbering and recording public roads, bridges, tunnels, culverts and ferries, and the register of numbers assigned to roads, bridges and tunnels (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. of 2005, No. 67, item 582, as amended)) on the basis of an inventory of road data in the field with the use of modern equipment.
We also map the space of the road lane in the form of a three-dimensional point cloud obtained with the help of LiDARs, with which our mobile mapping system is equipped. The acquired point cloud is post-processed, including classification (automatic and manual), which allows you to obtain valuable information.
The classified point cloud is available online in our SmartGEM system.
High accuracy and speed of measurement make laser scanning an increasingly popular method of inventorying infrastructure facilities. The model generated from the point cloud allows you to verify the geometry of the object saved in a digital form, as well as to measure length, height, area and volume, etc.
The great advantage of the solution is also the possibility of combining or comparing models.
Mobile scanning is becoming more and more popular due to the acquisition of point clouds from the perspective of the street, which gives a richer and more precise mapping of space and infrastructure.
Road inspections, i.e. a road site inspection, is one of the most important tasks of road infrastructure managers.
In the era of widespread digitization, including data digitization, the classic form of documentation in the form of protocols and the paper Road Book is transformed into electronic form. Constant access to documentation and the ease of its verification streamline the management process and improve the quality of administrative work.
The services related to the road infrastructure inventory offered by Smart Factor include periodic road inspections. As part of the service, the client receives access to documents on the SmartGEM platform in the form of protocols, comparative analyzes and road detour logs.
The elements of the road lane that are subject to inspection are:
As part of the service related to traffic organization planning, Smart Factor offers the development of documentation of the Traffic Organization Project based on the inventory of the existing state. The inspection covers horizontal and vertical markings with verification and introduction of possible corrections (based on the arrangements of the existing markings) or designing new markings.
We carry out permanent traffic organization projects in accordance with:
• Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 23 September 2003 on the detailed conditions for road traffic management and supervision over this management (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 784),
• Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 3 July 2003 on detailed technical conditions for road signs and signals and road safety devices and the conditions for their placement on roads (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1314).
One of the most important features of our road infrastructure management system is the efficient integration of data obtained with modern measurement methods
road inventory, intelligent software, administrative procedures carried out by road managers and data from external resources (basic map, land and building register, local spatial development plans, accounting data and others).
The key properties of the system are:
All documentation and data collected as part of Road Infrastructure Management are made available to our clients in a dedicated SmartGEM system, the company's cloud platform.
Our clients, thanks to the use of new opportunities hidden in digital data, can also significantly increase their annual revenues from the occupation of a road lane and fees for placing technical infrastructure devices along the road.
We generate a very accurate orthophotomap of the road lane directly from our mobile mapping system. The high quality of the data enables the production of a raster with a resolution of up to 1 cm. The detail of the data allows for the detection and analysis of numerous faults and cracks on the road. Contrary to the aerial orthophotomap, in our orthophotomap the road lane is not covered by trees or engineering objects.
Orthophotomap in the SmartGEM system
Warsaw office:
ul. Poselska 29
03-931 Warszawa
Elbląg office:
Aleja Armii Krajowej
7-8; lok. 31
82-300 Elbląg
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Smart Factor Sp. z o.o. ,
ul. Poselska 29, 03-931 Warszawa
NIP: 522-308-82-99 / REGON 366984323
Office - tel. 573 984 277
Sales department - tel. 798 622 487