We are a technology company that, thanks to a mobile mapping system, supports digital transformation in public administration units and enterprises.
Our data acquisition technology is based on the interaction of laser scanners, high-resolution 360 cameras, GNSS, RTK and IMU. We believe that using the latest generation of artificial intelligence algorithms, we provide digital services of the highest quality, which are not limited only to data acquisition.
We create software compliant with the latest standards, using the potential of cloud computing, effectively supporting our clients' business processes.
Our vision is to create a bridge between advanced technologies and their effective use by our clients by providing integrated information about infrastructure and space.
Road imagery
Data Science, including AI algorithms
Software development
Biuro Warszawa:
ul. Poselska 29
03-931 Warszawa
Biuro Elbląg:
Aleja Armii Krajowej
7-8; lok. 31
82-300 Elbląg
Śledź nas w social media
Smart Factor Sp. z o.o. ,
ul. Poselska 29, 03-931 Warszawa
NIP: 522-308-82-99 / REGON 366984323
Biuro - tel. 573 984 277
Dział sprzedaży - tel. 798 622 487